To the driver of the black ute:
Dear Sir,
When you blew your horn as we were merging lanes yesterday, am I to understand that your message was that bike riders should now also be giving way to people BEHIND them? I'm sorry, do you think that you have right of way because you are behind me in the traffic?
I do hope that I misinterpreted your horn blast and that it was indeed meant for someone else and/or for a different reason entirely.
All the best,
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To the guy who cut across me in the bike lane to grab that parking spot:
Dear Sir,
"What the hell!? Do you understand what a bike lane is? You can't just cut across it willy nilly as if it's just a bit of your own lane. I mean, weren't those lines painted on the road any kind of clue?
And, sir, do you realise your car weighs over 2000 - yes two thousand - kilograms and can you imagine what that does when it comes into contact with a soft body?
No sir, this was not an "Oops that was a bit close" kind of moment, as that little wave you just gave me seemed to imply. That was a "Holy crap, I nearly killed someone," kind of moment.
Please drive properly in future.
Please respect the Bicycle Lane.
Your sincerely, etc
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To the driver who waited for me to pass before pulling out:
Dear Japanese Station Wagon Driver,
I like your "Watch for cyclists" car sticker and I really like that you were so patient and waited for me to slog up the hill past you, in the bike lane, before you pulled out from your parking spot. I'm almost in shock.
I don't like that you usually park right across the bike lane down at the roundabout, but for your patience today, you're (mostly) forgiven.
Yours with gratitude, etc
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To the driver who overtook me up at the intersection:
Dear 4WD driver,
Was it really worth it when you overtook me just then? There wasn't much room so you had to go really close to me and that was dangerous, as you are surely aware.
But I guess you thought it was worth the risk, because it meant that you got to that red light that one second sooner. (I am assuming you must have already been aware of the stop light, seeing as I was only 3 car lengths from it at the time and you had to brake as soon as you'd finished overtaking me.)
So, um, I'm just wondering.... what exactly did you achieve?
Yours enquiringly, etc
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To the driver who drove slowly behind me last night:
Dear driver I never saw but only heard,
It was a bit creepy the way you drove slowly behind me last night instead of overtaking.
I admit I was suspicious and thought you were 'up to something'.
You see, you didn't do the usual thing of speeding up and overtaking me, then turning across and cutting me off to make that left turn.
That's what drivers normally do. But no, you waited instead and drove behind me so that you could turn down that side street safely.
I'm sure you can understand that I'm a little weirded out by this: You did the right thing. You were respectful.
I respectfully thank you.
Yours etc.