Saturday, July 24, 2010

Then versus Now

When I was young and adult women complained about grey hair I didn't understand their problem. It was just hair. I was going to grow old gracefully. I wasn't going to have a spack attack at the sight of my first grey hair. I wouldn't need to dye it and I definitely wasn't going to rinse it blue.

When I grew up the discovery of my first grey hair was..... sobering. I did not accept it with grace. When my boyfriend pointed another one out to me I hated him for days. I've been dying my hair ever since.

When I was young and my parents said dumb and annoying things, I scoffed and knew with certainty that I would never be like that when I grew up.

Then I grew into an adult, and one day I heard those exact same, dumb, annoying words coming out of my mouth. Like everyone else, inevitably it seems, I had turned into my parents.

When I finally moved into an apartment with an actual view, humble as it was, I noted calmly and with resignation that, knowing what developers are like, one day the little view would be built out by an apartment block. Such is life.

When I received the notice of the development application for a large apartment building that will block out my humble little view, I was the opposite of calm and resigned. I am militant.

It's all very well in theory, but a totally different thing when it actually happens to you.

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